General Surgery
Make an Appointment: 513.853.9000
General surgeons at Group Health specialize in the surgical intervention for diseases or conditions of several body systems:
- Colon/rectal, involving the large and small intestines
- Glandular, including the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands
- Gastrointestinal, involving the digestive tract, liver, stomach and intestines
Meet Group Health's general surgeons.
Disorders can occur from:
- Injury
- Deformity
- Disease
Expertise in General Surgery
Two Group Health physicians specialize in general surgery. The department has expertise in these areas:
- Abdomen, laparoscopic surgery
- Abdominal surgery such as cholecystectomy, appendectomy, hernia repair, colon and rectal surgery
- Appendectomy
- Breast biopsy and cancer surgery
- Colon resection, laparoscopic surgery
- Colorectal surgery
- Endocrine surgery involving the thyroid and parathyroid glands
- Excision of cysts, lipomas and skin lesions
- Gallbladder surgery
- Hemorrhoid surgery
- Hernia, laparoscopic and open repair surgery
- Laparoscopic colon surgery
- Liver resections
- Pancreatic resections
- Rectal surgery
- Skin/soft tissue mass surgery
- Skin tumors including melanoma with sentinel lymph node biopsy
- Surgery for Crohn’s disease
- Surgery for diverticulitis
- Surgery for ulcerative colitis
- Thyroid surgery