Surgical Oncology
Your Source for Everyday Wellness

Surgical Oncology

Surgical Oncology is a branch of General Surgery that specializes in the surgical treatment of cancer.   Specific diseases include:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Liver Cancers (including primary liver and cancer metastatic to liver)
  • Pancreas Cancer
  • Gastrointestinal cancer (including esophagus, stomach and colon)
  • Sarcoma

Group Health Surgical Oncology has a partnership with the TriHealth Cancer Institute, where patients have access to a cancer treatment "team."  This team meets weekly at our "Tumor Board" conference.  At tumor board, doctors and nurses who specialize in chemotherapy and radiation treatments work with our surgical oncology team to determine the best treatment plan for each individual patient.   As part of the TriHealth Cancer Institute, patients also have access to genetic testing and counseling, enrollment in clinical trials, and the option to participate in a wellness exercise program.  The ancillary services offered to patients in the TriHealth Cancer Institute continue to expand.

Seeing patients at 2 locations

Dunki-Jacobs, Erik M. MD
Clifton , Kenwood